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Edutherapy offers recruitment, training and on going support to educational settings including primary and secondary schools, colleges, universities and other training providers. It is a service designed to help education to find the most suitable in house counselling provision.

Our mission and history

Edutherapy aims to adequately respond to the increasing of emotional needs of pupils and students of all ages in education settings.

Our mission is to improve children and young people’s mental health and subsequently their attainment and experience of education.

We have a wealth of experience setting up and managing successful counselling provisions in various educational settings. We have expertise working in partnership with educational senior leaders to provide a ‘value for money’ service.

The model

Edutherapy is designed to provide:

  • Safe recruitment of counsellors

  • Quality of Clinical interventions

  • Data and Clinical Outcomes

  • Advice and Support

Schools, Colleges and Universities can choose a service model tailored to their needs. The service model includes:

  1. Recruitment of counsellors

  2. Induction

  3. Training

  4. Ongoing Clinical Supervision

  5. Advice and support with clinical data